Refresco for September 18-24

Dear Church family and friends,

Know that Gayla and I count it an honor and privilege to serve the Lord as we serve you. We want you to know that you are dearly loved. In fact everything we do in our ministry at SVCC is motivated by our love for the Lord and you. Thank you for allowing us to serve you.  May the Lord use this short study to “refresh” you and give you a spiritual boost as you prepare your heart to hear God’s word this coming Sunday.

My dad used to work out of town a lot when I was young. He was a union bricklayer and the better paying jobs always required him to travel and be gone during the weekdays.  It was in the Fall of my 7th grade year and a 9th grader had talked me into skipping school with him. Of course, the last thing I wanted was for him to think I wasn’t cool enough to join him. So off we went, leaving Zia Jr. High campus and walking down Union on to El Paseo. Next thing I knew we found ourselves at the old Gibson’s store. We spent about a half hour in the store. And as we left the store I looked at my buddy and noticed that he looked about 20 pounds heavier than when we had entered the store. Come to find out, he had shoplifted some new outfits and was wearing them under the clothes he had walked in wearing. I had never been involved in anything like that, so I was really nervous, only to make things worse. We got stopped by the city police and the first thing that came to my mind was, I’m going to prison for stealing! Know that I hadn’t stolen anything, but assumed that I was guilty by association! The officers began to ask us why we were out of school. I couldn’t contain myself and just spilled my guts, “We’re skipping school!”

Back then, the police also served as truant officers so I knew I was in deep trouble. It got worse! They took this stupid 12 year old kid to the police station, fingerprinted me, got my confession and address and then drove me all the way to San Pablo sitting in the back seat handcuffed. Remember, it was a weekday so I wasn’t sweating it since my dad was working out of town. But as we drove up Santa Cruz Rd. I saw my dad riding my horse – oh my, he was home earlier than expected and the wrath was about to come down!

Then came the first words out of his mouth, “We are so ashamed of you!” As a kid, probably the worst thing my parents ever said to me that cut me to the heart were those words. Needless to say, I never skipped school again!

Stop and imagine if Jesus unexpectedly showed up and caught you with your hand in the proverbial “cookie jar”. Would you be conducting yourself in a way that would please Him or would you be ashamed? This is the point John is making in 1 John 2:28-29, “28 And now, little children, abide in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence and not shrink from him in shame at his coming. 29 If you know that he is righteous, you may be sure that everyone who practices righteousness has been born of him.” 

Ice Breaker: Recall one childhood incident where you got caught with your hand in the proverbial “cookie jar”. Were you ashamed of your conduct? What did your parents do and how did that make you feel?

  • Why should we abide/maintain a close relationship with Christ? (v. 28)
  • What does “abiding” in Christ mean?
  • Would you be ready if Christ returned today? What adjustments would you have to make to be ready?
  • How do you think you will feel when Christ returns?
  • What is another test for knowing if you’ve been truly born again? (v. 29)
  • What does “practice righteousness” mean?
  • How can we distinguish between those who are children of God and those who are not?

May the Lord find you faithful in studying His word! Gayla and I are praying you have a good rest of the week and look forward to seeing Sunday in worship service. Bring someone with you!