Refresco for November 20-26

Good afternoon, dear Church family!

This week’s verse is Ecclessiates 3:1 (ESV) “Everything has its own time, and there is a specific time for every activity under heaven …” [NIV] “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”

Ice Breaker: What is your favorite season of the year? Why?

If you are new to New Mexico, you better get used to our schizophrenic weather. We are the only state in the country who experiences all four seasons in one day. Two weeks ago it was summer, a week later it was winter and today we are back to fall. However, I wouldn’t live anywhere else!

We have to embrace whatever season the day chooses to be. In the same way we need to learn to embrace the seasons of life, knowing that in every time and every activity, there is a divine purpose. Remember, with God’s grace, there’s no season you can’t weather.

As we step into this new day, let’s carry the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 3:1 in our hearts. This complex verse reminds us of the divinely orchestrated rhythm of life, where each moment and each activity has a designated time in God’s grand design of things.

Life is a beautiful tapestry of seasons – times of joy and sorrow, times of growth, changes and rest, times of silence and celebration! Each season has its purpose and its lessons. In seasons of joy and prosperity, we are reminded of God’s generous blessings and the joy of living in His grace. In seasons of misfortune and sorrow, we have the opportunity to lean into God’s never failing strength and to experience His comfort in a deeper way.

In every season, God is with us, guiding and shaping us. Even when we can’t see the purpose of the season we’re in, we can trust that God is at work, using each moment to mold us into the people He wants us to be.

So today, ask yourself:

  1. What season am I in right now?
  2. How is God using this season to shape me?
  3. Can I trust God’s timing and purpose, even if I don’t understand it?
  4. End your time thanking God for something you are grateful for about your past, about your present and about the future.

As always, may the Lord use this mid-week devotional to prepare your heart to receive Sunday’s message.

You want to be sure to join us for this special Sunday, SVCC’s 27th Anniversary Sunday! God bless you.